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Posted by : Unknown Rabu, 10 Juni 2015

Engingeng~, Sekarang gue bahas class idaman gue pas masih low level :3
Exalted Soul Cleaver
Sumber? FP pribadi TS wkwk

How to get it?
Selesaikan Quest "Fail To The King" (Require Become Legioner)
Lalu shop baru bisa diakses, bisa dengan 2000 LeTo/AC
Stats :
Weap Damage/Speed : 100% / 2.00
Mana Regen : All landed attack terutama crits, berdasarkan hp kita and semakin sekarat semakin tinggi~
ENH : Full Luck, asik tau XD
Weapon range : Normal ajadeh~
PVP : Ada stunt 4 detik yang pasti kena + semakin sekarat semakin kuat
Solo : Skill heal and stunt, lumayan sih
Farm : Gak ada efek AoE, CD relatif lama, kalo selesain quest lumayan tapi kalo farm gold,xp atau lainnya... kurang efektif

- Auto Attack
Rank Needed: 0
Mana Cost: 0 Mana
Cooldown: 2 Seconds
Type: Physical
Description: A basic attack, taught to all adventurers.

- Soul Rend
Rank Needed: 1
Mana Cost: 15 Mana
Cooldown: 5 Seconds
Type: Physical / Magical
Description: Deals damage based on the difference between your current and maximum HP.
Jadi, ini kek ngasih damage berdasar jarak antar HP kita ke HP saat FULL

- Soul Leech
Rank Needed: 2
Mana Cost: 40 Mana
Cooldown: 17 Seconds
Type: Magical
Description: Drain life directly from your target's soul. Weakens them lowering their damage and returning health to you for the same amount.
Note: Deals 122.5% weapon damage. Heals you for 212% of the damage done.
Keknya dah jelas '-'

- Soul Snare
Rank Needed: 3
Mana Cost: 30 Mana
Cooldown: 35 Seconds
Type: Physical / Magical
Description: Trap your opponents soul from afar stunning them for 4 seconds. Soul Snare cannot be dodged.

- No Pain No Gain
Rank Needed: 4
Type: Passive Ability
Description: All damage taken increased by 10%
- Might of the Legion
Rank Needed: 4
Type: Passive Ability
Description: You deal 10% more damage with all attacks.

- Blood Price
Rank Needed: 5
Mana Cost: 0
Cool Down: 45 Seconds
Type: Physical / Magical
Description: Sacrifice your very life force to increase all damage dealt by 75% and your chance to hit for 12 seconds. For the Legion!
Jadi kek ulti, ngorbanin darah kita untuk ningkatin Attack, kritsnya wa0w loh '-'

- For the Legion!
Rank Needed: 10
Type: Passive Ability
Description: Every soldier for the legion put's his life on the line. If Dage so chooses he can sacrifice you to strengthen his forces. Chance on auto attack.
Note: Kills you instantly with a 2 second DoT.
Passive paling merugikan....

Tambahan :
1. Class yang mending jangan naikin ke rank 10~
2. Stunt lumayan berguna misal kita sekarat and nunggu heal
3. Jangan gunai skill 5 pas hp kita full, pake saat tinggal 60% untuk hasil maximal
4. PVP? Biar kita main skill 1 sambil slide, pas darah tinggal 70% pake skill 5 lalu stunt lawan terus spam skill 1, kalo dah puas heal and slide lagi

Tentang video tutor, bakal di-upload di Channel kami...


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